
Allen-Bradley Kinetix 5700 Faults

16 Common Allen-Bradley Kinetix 5700 Faults

Maskine recently worked on a project with 100+ Allen-Bradley Kinetix 5700 drives. Over the course of commissioning these drives the same faults came up over and over again. These faults where typically caused by incorrect wiring or configuration. Often the faults displayed in Rockwell Studio5000 can be somewhat cryptic and don't make the problem immediately clear. As faults came up, we recorded them for simpler troubleshooting going forward, and to save time looking them up in the Rockwell Knowledgebase. Here are the top 16 faults:

Symptom Resolution

Feedback1Type - Invalid Attribute Error

Check encoder wires in connector. Wires likely swapped or loose.

Motion Group Unconnected,

Feedback 1 Cycle Resolution

At least 1 motor not connected in motion group, remove any drives with motors not connected from the motion group. Power cycle afterwards if fault doesn't clear.

Current bouncing +/- 20%

After autotune, check that the load ratio isn't too high (under 10). If it is a linear motor, set to 0

Physical Axis fault:excessive velocity error

  1. Axis crashing or torque limit too low
  2. Check if brake is releasing if applicable. Cable with brake wire has B in part number, ex 2090-XXBX#XX
  3. Loose motor wiring to drive in cabinet - drive moves but torque varies wildly, ie +/- 80% then throws this fault

Axis unconnected, Drive fault:Key Segment in IOI string does not match the destination module

Wrong drive part number or IP address

Waiting for Group

A drive in the motion group is faulted. Resolve the issue, or take it out of the motion group. Make sure all motors connected.

PhysicalAxisFault, FeedbackSignalLossFLFault, FeedbackSignalLossULFault

Check encoder wiring.


Wrong motor - check motor number matches configuration. Check that correct cable is going to correct motor (disconnect and look for feedback factory limit error)

SafeTorqueInhibit won't go away, Safety network Number Mismatch fault in safety PLC

Disconnect drive from Ethernet, on faceplate go to settings>safety>reset ownership

Autotune: Axis polarity set incorrectly

Reduce autotune speed or increase distance.

PhysicalAxisFault, ExcessivePositionError

Check settings for velocity error.

inhibit s03 feedback not config 1

Happened after moving a drive from Channel 3 to Channel 1, if you change the dropdown to do this it will blow away your motor data and you will need to re-enter the motor number manually

Feedback Data loss factory limit

Motor unplugged or bad motor

Inverter overcurrent

Bad Motor or Damaged cable

Power supply AxisEnableInputInhibit

Check 24V connector on front of power supply

ControlSyncFault, ModuleFault

Check encoder wiring

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